Friday, March 31, 2017

this one thing

There are no limits, no boundaries, no secret rooms that can't be unlocked by a free mind. I've found so many answers looking for light, covered only by the dust of plain thought.
The world is held back by a piddly thread, quickly unraveling, tattered, and weak from worry which has no truth and is only an illusion, and is burning out as we wake to see the sunrise 🌅 of the infinite shore where we were born.
Peace 🌴☮️🕉

Thursday, March 30, 2017

unbound and unbounded

Piffle away the knots twisted tight to the etheric body, tweedle 
fast or slow to every man's secret spot hidden silently in the silky sky. Plop down on a puffy pink cloud and collude with silence mixed with colors floating free that hold the answers waiting patiently.
Sweet dreams.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

muddy foot prints

Observe the muddy foot prints on your path, the ones you made. Every foot print has a message. Our toughest challenges leave the deepest foot prints.
When your foot makes a sucking sound coming out of the muck it may be time to alter the path you're traveling. This sounds strikingly obvious, but often our ego tells us our experience will pull us through.
Let the ego rest. Let your heart lead you and your burden will be light.
Follow the heart ❤️ filled path.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

take some time

Take some time. You can be stingy with it if you wish. Spend it on what you love ❤️
Spend your time on what you really love, not what you think you love.
Before you spend a second know what you really love.
What makes your heart smile?
Take some time to grow into something bigger than you.
Take time to understand.

Take time to focus.
Spend your time knowing the recipient of your time will be honored by your gift.
Thank you for your time.

Monday, March 27, 2017

celebrate your uniqueness

Celebrate your uniqueness. Feel your individuality. Embrace it and let your uniqueness lead you. You don't have to follow your heart if you are being true to you, You're heart will be right there where you are. There will be no following to be done. If you feel different, be as different as you want to be. There is no road map, simply recognize what feels right. Ask yourself if you're being true to you.
Start making adjustments now and don't look back. Well.. maybe look back in a couple of years and see if you can spot yourself where you were. Being out there away from what the masses call "normal" is where the fun begins.

That's cause for celebration 🎉 

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Saturday, March 25, 2017

what if

What if our traditionally held beliefs of what life on Earth is about was very different if viewed from a slightly altered point of view.
Traditionally we think of being born, growing up, learning, maturing, imparting our knowledge to the next generation, growing old, and eventually passing away and maybe going to heaven or on to another life, or maybe it all stops here, those are all possibilities.
What if, our entire life and death here on Earth is just the beginning. 
What if what we traditionally call death is actually our birth. What if living in a physical body in this 3D world is actually our gestation period for being born? What if the Earth is truly our mother? What if our natural state is being in spirit and being on Earth in 3D is like a boot camp for the soul, where we are raised on this planet of free will nurtured by our mother is actually being raised in our mothers womb, a place to have experiences not possible in spirit. What if life on Earth is just a unique learning environment for babies waiting to be born?
What if?

Friday, March 24, 2017

Happy being's day!

Most of the time we can't see our greatness. We gloss over the miracle of our own being, diddling in commonality, and pontificating on the mundane. Many are the miracles we execute on everyday with such regularity and precision that they are taken for granted. Somewhere along the way we became stingy with recognition of common miracles including the everyday being's behind them. Loving your fellow being's along with more free flowing appreciation for just being can change the worlds.
We, all of us across the multiverse, get buried in day to day crap.
If you can focus on just one breath that gives you life you can know the miracle that you and your fellow being's are. Feel the air fill your lungs. Feel yourself relax as you exhale. Do this and you can know the miracle of you. When you love you the next step of spreading the love into the worlds is easier because you can see the greatness inside of each of us.
We have Earth day to save the Earth 🌏 Today is Intergalactic being's day, to help save the being's regardless of your color, galaxy or star system of origin.
✌🏼. Please spread this far and wide for no other reason than loving all being's.👽 🙏

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

No limits

I was never any good at cross word puzzles, I need real world consequences to hold my attention.
We are all capable of so much more than we think we are - we rarely test our limits.
If you are challenged and you don't have choice, how far will you go to get better?
I found out the hard way.
Having run a few marathons I knew I could meet a physical challenge, but we are never ready when life gives us our biggest test, whatever it is.
Sometimes it's up to us to create a solution that doesn't appear to exist. The perfect time to push beyond known limits is in a crisis.
Pull out all the stops.
Think of Scottie on Star Trek, "I'm givin' 'er all she's got Cap'n - she cannot take any more."
The Enterprise never blew up. They worked through it piece by piece.

Or how about the first sentence in Andy Weir's novel "The Martin "?  "My considered opinion is that I'm fucked."
There's motivation for you.
There may not be an obvious answer to a problem, but creativity and perseverance can open doors that may not be obvious.
Sit with how the problem feels, marinate in it. Become familiar with what it is about the problem you don't want. Be specific.
Embrace the challenge and eliminate the fear around the challenge.
Suspend your beliefs and allow the possibilities room to exist.
Take an easy first step to build on success.
Seek people with similar goals for support. 

Build a framework of what the solution looks like using simplicity as a guide, then check in with yourself regularly.
You started at step A, where are you now?

Oh, you thought you are done?
Go check out Wim Hof on you tube:

baby steps

Little by little one goes a long way.
author unknown 

Conversation with my higher self:

How long does it take to catch a fish I asked?
"It depends,"
I heard.
"Do you wish to eat the fish or feed the fish."

So it is with all things in life.

I have eaten enough fish, I said. I suppose I will feed the fish, can you show me how?
"Yes, but you won't need any hooks, you only need 

And so my new life of a modern Shaman begins.

P.S. 1st yoga class at the Y today, awesome ! 
# progress 😊

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

angels can change our lives

Almost two years ago on my birthday I went to Maui for a writer's conference. 
The trip was a pivotal time for me not because of the birthday in Hawaii, or getting serious about writing, but because I met my first angel. 
We didn't meet in a dream about heaven, I was wide awake getting a massage on the beach in Maui not far from Lahina.
Not just any massage a Hawaiian Lomilomi massage. In the experience I had an intention is set and the Lomilomi massage aligns the body and mind's vibration with the intention set and the massage does the work of manifesting the intention. Lomilomi is from an ancient Hawaiian tradition with different variations of it practiced today. 
I didn't know it at the time, but the decision to get a massage that day would change my life.
As I relaxed with my eyes closed I felt a calm wash over me and I saw his face. He had the most loving presence I've ever experienced. When I saw his image in my mind I felt like I'd known him forever. He introduced himself as Ezekiel and appeared as a young man in his twenties dressed in clothes of his time. I would find out later that he lived in the early part of the sixth century. Ezekiel was both a priest and a prophet. He led the jews to safety out of Jerusalem from persecution (the second time.) You might recognize the name. I didn't at first, it took some time before I connected the dots to who Ezekiel is in history. He's a prophet that has a book in the Old Testament of the Bible. He told me he was here to help me with my gift of "knowing."
He delivered his message and he was gone, but I've been able to call on him whenever I have a question about knowing things for reasons I don't understand.
I've learned to accept things when they happen, not think about if I don't understand at that moment and to be patient as the answers reveal themselves.
This experience led me to learn more about higher realms of consciousness and intuitive senses, and this path ultimately led me to find solutions to help heal myself from a chronic "incurable" disease.
Funny how one simple decision like getting a massage on your birthday can change your life.
Did you notice your miracle today?

Monday, March 20, 2017

starting to heal (part 2)

I'm three years into my journey of awakening, and two and a half months into beginning to heal, but I'm excited to share.
For a time, the most I could do was sit and contemplate my existence.
I conserved energy for little spurts of looking like something was happening with me when really I was in neutral coasting at best. Occasionally I'd feel thoughts flow which helped a lot because I was learning even when things weren't going so great.
I thank everything that is for the shift that occurred inside me.
That shift gave me a second chance, a shot at reinvention and healing.

I feel like I'm beginning my second life in the same body.
You can't unlearn what you've learned when you're having an awakening, but you can sure as heck get unstuck.
I had to learn more patience because it took more than I had available to fix me.
When I was feeling fatigued I had to let things go and everything took several times longer than I thought.
There was barely enough energy to start a day much less finish one.
(This is where meditation comes in handy.)
Things changed again as I slowly learned about my intuitive senses, and a new world opened up. I started to heal with guidance from the angelic realm. I've worked with many different angels,
but mine isn't a miraculous healing. I wasn't healed by something, I was shown how to heal myself.
I didn't grow up in this world so I know how unusual this sounds.
At my low, the end of last year, I could walk a quarter mile very slowly. Today I can walk over a mile and my energy is returning to normal. I feel like I've come out of a deep hibernation.
Those of you who know me well know I'm a writer, and I'm capturing my adventure in a story.
I'm still learning to heal, but I'm on the right path.
The important thing to know about healing is that we all have the ability to heal ourselves.
My passion now is to share what I've learned with others.
See you on the path.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

How did I get here? more honesty (part1)

There is always a choice...
We experience trauma in different ways, this is my experience:
I found myself screeching into the present moment as if I'd fallen out of a moving vehicle.
As I tumbled to a stop to assess the damage,
the future disappeared. It ceased to exist. It couldn't exist from where I found myself, surrounded by uncertainty.
I looked over my shoulder and there was nothing.
Everything in the past was called into question because the future disappeared (or visa versa) and the energy holding everything in place stopped. One can not exist without the other.
I existed only in the present moment.
Life was distilled down to the essentials.
Those thoughts and beliefs not necessary for survival were thrown overboard. 
When I looked around me at the remnants that remained love was still with me.
In that moment I changed, everything changed.
I started living from the heart, ❤️ love took the lead. Not fish love as explained by Dr. Abraham Twerski, real love.
Living from the heart allows us to align with our truth.
When we align with our truth, energy begins to flow more freely.
I started knowing things for reasons I couldn't explain.
I started listening within myself to hear more.
I can't describe it any other way than to say I was guided, being lead by an unseen hand.
I was made aware there are lots of entities involved in the guiding from the highest power on down.
This was an awakening of both consciousness and spirituality for me.

I'm describing this so it will make sense when I continue with, Starting to Heal.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

sharing openly and honestly

So I've been too conservative, not unfiltered or honest enough.
Three years ago I crashed hard hard hard.
I went from living what I thought life should be, to realizing I had been living an illusion.
I was upside down in an instant.
It wasn't an adjustment, it was finding pieces of myself and seeing what I could reclaim if anything.
I had a very traumatic experience.
The road back has been the toughest and best experience of my life.
I found out I had Primary Progressive MS at 57, three years ago.
No cure (so they say) and very limited treatment options.
I didn't buy it.
I said fuck that.
I'm charting my own course and finding a way to heal.
I'll write my own damn story.
I found a lot of great information I never would have known if I wouldn't have been forced down my current path.
I've yet to meet the first Dr. from Baylor that's broken bread with a Shaman. Nothing against Baylor, Harvard or wherever, but they represent the box created by Western medicine. I blew that fucking box up.
I've studied any subject that held even a glimmer of hope. Religions of the world, nutrition, psychology, any kind of spirituality one can dream up. Every type of herb. Ancient Chinese medicine, no stone unturned.
Nothing against Baylor, but it represents a mind set created by Western medicine which will sell you very expensive shit, but can't heal its way out of a wet paper sack.
Amazingly today I represent hope.
I'm healing.
The answers are out there waiting.
There wasn't a single ah-ha moment, it's discovering how to connect the dots to draw a picture of the solution.
What does healing look like for me today? That is the most important question.
You're solution is waiting to be found.

Friday, March 17, 2017


Meditation is my pillar of strength shining clarity on confusion.

Meditation restores balance.

Concentrate on the connected breath.


Let the mind coast to a stop.

Slowly unwind into the now moment.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

self reliance

Self reliance is using all resources available, including  our higher power for the greatest good of all.
Self reliance means knowing when to ask for help and when to accept responsibility.

When something inside you doesn't work, know that all the tools you need are inside you.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017


Imagination is the stuff dreams are made of. The right brain usually gets the credit, but it's only one piece of a complex puzzle.

How imaginative we are can effect our wellbeing and it's a key ingredient to healing.

If we allow possibilities in the form of imagination one can see an avenue appear where things once out of reach are attainable.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017


             When we are stuck in our minds living with our day to
        day foibles it's difficult to stop and connect.
        Yet living from the heart in the present moment is 
         where all the best action is.
         When we express our hearts feelings the truth comes 
         Listen to your heart. Trust your feelings.

Monday, March 13, 2017



          If we can suspend our beliefs to be open to all 
          possibilities we can experience more than we can
          know with our five senses.


Sunday, March 12, 2017


"Never doubt that a small group of committed individuals can change the world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has."
Margret Mead

Relationships are like the electrons circling the atoms of our live's. 
Our relationships influence who we are, and our relationship with those around us can shift who  they are.
Good relationships are vital to our health.
Stay healthy.

Saturday, March 11, 2017


                     Don't feel like this. Get a massage.

              I'm making little breakthroughs in self-healing day by       
        day. Nourish your body, invigorate the muscles, flush 
        toxins, enjoy a healing massage. I felt the release of 
        negative energy as my muscles and ligaments were
        returned to health.
        Self care is healing.

                           What I saw in the clouds today.

Friday, March 10, 2017


"Monarch butterflies 🦋 don't eat Oriental Milkweed they only eat Texas Milkweed."

Monarch butterflies have the longest migration route of any insect in the world and they've been doing it for thousands of years. Monarch butterflies travel from Canada to a specific spot in central Mexico every Fall to mate.
How is this possible?
There is a instinctual need within all living things to expand experience and grow, to evolve.
Life itself is an evolutionary process for every living thing.
Embrace your evolution. 🌏

Thursday, March 9, 2017

loose the stress

Let go.

Stress, it pains me to write the word.
I let myself be dragged by stress to where I never wanted to go.
It was almost my undoing. It took me about a dozen books and almost three years to finally understand what happened, why I got sick or more accurately, made myself sick. Now I have begun the long process of healing myself. I'm a do it yourself-er. In this case I had no choice. I had to create my own path, asking myself: What does returning to health look like for me?
My illness manifested itself as a form of MS, there is no FDA approved treatment for it.
Ultimately that turned out to be a good thing because I was forced to do my own research.
I may know almost as much now about psychology and illness as some psychologists after doing my homework. Stress wasn't the entire problem, but it's a big piece of the puzzle.
Today I'm well on my way to healing myself.
If you are familiar with any of the more than a dozen autoimmune diseases that effect more than 23.5 million people according to the National institutes of Health, you shouldn't be surprised to hear quite frequently there's an emotional component to an illness. 
Work related stressors were the primary cause of my stress and ultimately stopped me from working.
My balance diminished, fatigue set in, walking became difficult, and working became too much to do. 
After a long career I needed a break to figure out how to heal myself.
For a couple of years all I could do was some simple Yoga stretches, but it kept me going.

There are many ways to combat stress, and I'm 
only going to touch on a couple. 
There are also many kinds of stress but mental stress is my focus. 
First, what causes mental stress?
 In my opinion mental stress is caused very simply by our mind either dwelling on the past or the future, both things over which we have no control. 
The solution is to spend as much time in the present moment or the now as possible.
Being present is an often used term, or mindfulness, both refer to focusing attention in the present moment.

Here's a little survey to get a check of your relative stress level.

My favorite from of getting into the now is meditation, calming the mind.
I don't even know how many types of meditation there are, but there are a lot.
You Tube has about a bazillion meditation videos to choose from.
Just focusing on breathing is a way to meditate.
EFT (emotional freedom technique)
Is another widely used way to control stress.

Some things have to be accepted as how things are.
Don't let stress make you sick.
Don't sweat the small stuff.
Let it go. 

Wednesday, March 8, 2017


that which exists

Each of us has an innate quality, a frequency that makes us without equal. Our energy has a signature all its own.

"There is no one alive who is you-er than you" 
Dr. Seuss 

Find your Dharma in your breath. Breathing blends us with our environment. Spend a little time each day nurturing your being, just hanging out with yourself.
You don't have to try, or need to do anything. Sit with yourself and be.
Love yourself and feed your soul.
Litter crumbs of love everywhere you go.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

nature grounding and following your hearts passion

A fool never followed his heart.

Nature is connective energy to our mother Earth. It flows through us providing balance to our body's energy. The natural subtle electromagnetic current of the planet helps us focus our thoughts and stay grounded. Various forms of using the Earth's natural frequencies to heal are well known and widely practiced. Earthing is one, and PEMF (used by NASA) is another that uses the Earth's natural frequencies and Schuman resonance.
Connecting with the Earth's energy in natural environments like the beach and life giving nature heal, and guide me to follow my heart.

"Nature does not hurry yet everything gets done." Lao Tzu

As I heal myself following inner guidance, and guided by spirit I follow the pace of nature. I thought I would be content just writing and creating with words almost two years ago when I was no longer able to continue working, telling my story of a spiritual awakening and a new understanding of life growing through adversity. But as I've regained strength my heart has shown me that helping others to heal themselves  as I have done is what I'm supposed to do. Staying grounded with the Earth's energy through this process has been a key to accepting a new reality that was not completely in my realm of understanding several years ago. 
Today I walk with the confidence of knowing where I've been and what I've done, and that I can help others. I will draw a map born out of experience for others to use and help heal themselves.
Today I know and understand myself as a healer.

My heart's passion has restored a zest for living.
A new chapter is beginning.
Walk in nature and follow your heart.
Live your passion.