Monday, March 20, 2017

starting to heal (part 2)

I'm three years into my journey of awakening, and two and a half months into beginning to heal, but I'm excited to share.
For a time, the most I could do was sit and contemplate my existence.
I conserved energy for little spurts of looking like something was happening with me when really I was in neutral coasting at best. Occasionally I'd feel thoughts flow which helped a lot because I was learning even when things weren't going so great.
I thank everything that is for the shift that occurred inside me.
That shift gave me a second chance, a shot at reinvention and healing.

I feel like I'm beginning my second life in the same body.
You can't unlearn what you've learned when you're having an awakening, but you can sure as heck get unstuck.
I had to learn more patience because it took more than I had available to fix me.
When I was feeling fatigued I had to let things go and everything took several times longer than I thought.
There was barely enough energy to start a day much less finish one.
(This is where meditation comes in handy.)
Things changed again as I slowly learned about my intuitive senses, and a new world opened up. I started to heal with guidance from the angelic realm. I've worked with many different angels,
but mine isn't a miraculous healing. I wasn't healed by something, I was shown how to heal myself.
I didn't grow up in this world so I know how unusual this sounds.
At my low, the end of last year, I could walk a quarter mile very slowly. Today I can walk over a mile and my energy is returning to normal. I feel like I've come out of a deep hibernation.
Those of you who know me well know I'm a writer, and I'm capturing my adventure in a story.
I'm still learning to heal, but I'm on the right path.
The important thing to know about healing is that we all have the ability to heal ourselves.
My passion now is to share what I've learned with others.
See you on the path.

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