Monday, March 6, 2017


Patience- The quality of being patient, quiet steady perseverance. 

For some of us patience is an innate quality, it's inborn, bred into who we are, for others of us it can be a challenge.
I came to the world with some patience, but I frittered a good deal of it away and simply misplaced a fair amount too. I just didn't practice caring for my patience and it evaporated as it went away untended like many things do. 
Patience is an attribute, a part of us that can help everything go smoothly. Patience helps smooth the rough edges.
"Go with the flow." Easier said than done. This seemingly innocuous statement can require great patience, if the "flow" is fast and your natural speed is slow or visa versa.
Some activities can teach patience like building a fire in the woods, or working with animals, or getting a damaged body to respond as instructed to signals from the brain. 
Nothing teaches patients like a physical challenge.
I stood on a rickety stump and struggled to insert my boot into a dangling strirrup. The stirrup evaded my foot like a tetherball escaping a fist.
Petunia and I were just getting to know each other. 
Horses especially can teach patience and help us heal. Horses have a calming effect on people.
Petunia walked through the meadow slowly in the Colorado mountains. I enjoyed a cool breeze having escaped the Texas summer heat in the mountain clouds, healing clouds.  
At the end of the trip I Tried to dismount. Three attempts later I came down stiffly like the tin man in the Wizard of Oz needing oil.
Patience is the oil that helped me move again. My patience helps me navigate each moment. 
Nuture your patience.

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