Thursday, March 9, 2017

loose the stress

Let go.

Stress, it pains me to write the word.
I let myself be dragged by stress to where I never wanted to go.
It was almost my undoing. It took me about a dozen books and almost three years to finally understand what happened, why I got sick or more accurately, made myself sick. Now I have begun the long process of healing myself. I'm a do it yourself-er. In this case I had no choice. I had to create my own path, asking myself: What does returning to health look like for me?
My illness manifested itself as a form of MS, there is no FDA approved treatment for it.
Ultimately that turned out to be a good thing because I was forced to do my own research.
I may know almost as much now about psychology and illness as some psychologists after doing my homework. Stress wasn't the entire problem, but it's a big piece of the puzzle.
Today I'm well on my way to healing myself.
If you are familiar with any of the more than a dozen autoimmune diseases that effect more than 23.5 million people according to the National institutes of Health, you shouldn't be surprised to hear quite frequently there's an emotional component to an illness. 
Work related stressors were the primary cause of my stress and ultimately stopped me from working.
My balance diminished, fatigue set in, walking became difficult, and working became too much to do. 
After a long career I needed a break to figure out how to heal myself.
For a couple of years all I could do was some simple Yoga stretches, but it kept me going.

There are many ways to combat stress, and I'm 
only going to touch on a couple. 
There are also many kinds of stress but mental stress is my focus. 
First, what causes mental stress?
 In my opinion mental stress is caused very simply by our mind either dwelling on the past or the future, both things over which we have no control. 
The solution is to spend as much time in the present moment or the now as possible.
Being present is an often used term, or mindfulness, both refer to focusing attention in the present moment.

Here's a little survey to get a check of your relative stress level.

My favorite from of getting into the now is meditation, calming the mind.
I don't even know how many types of meditation there are, but there are a lot.
You Tube has about a bazillion meditation videos to choose from.
Just focusing on breathing is a way to meditate.
EFT (emotional freedom technique)
Is another widely used way to control stress.

Some things have to be accepted as how things are.
Don't let stress make you sick.
Don't sweat the small stuff.
Let it go. 

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